How to Mix Art Styles, ahha; I am very excited about sharing my experiences about mix art styles. First of all, I want to clear the term in front of you. It is about how to mix, art styles rather than how to mix art, styles. It doesn't look tricky? That's what I am excited about.
Art is much more like a conversation than just a decor idea on a wall. I am personally a creative person and I have a lot's of paintings and decorative objects in my home. From the whole experience of my life, I sought out a few very unique but worth taking ideas about how to mix art styles for your pretty homes.
Let's learn in an organized way!
Do art is only about hanging a few paintings on a wall? Obviously not; There is a huge variety of art styles which we can pick to make our home not only look beautiful but looking more expensive.
Why Mix Art Styles are cuter than a kitten?
I want to share with you some really unique ideas for adopting a very different plan of how to mix art styles.
Number one in the list:
Dutch Artists Paint Giant Bookcase On An Apartment Building Featuring Residents’ Favorite Books
Have you ever see this before!
Well, I didn't. And I am going to paint my home front like so.
It was a really great example of how to mix art styles. We can make categories of our mind, as well, that what are the books, things I like the most that they can depict my personality in my home front side.
Not only the books can be painted, but any food, any of your favorite dress can also be a part of your home decor.
What an art piece, If I Paint my favorite Halloween dress on my home front and change it every year after every Halloween!
I read this idea in "".
Number two in the list:
Beetle Painted On Volkswagen: Pictures of Gorgeous VW Bus Art Paintings
Some times we hang or display too much art on our home walls that we didn't find any other space to move on with new artwork and quench our thirst of being arty. Here is a really unconventional idea to solve this problem.
It is the ever best example to understand how to mix art styles?
I read this idea in "".
Number three in the list:
Company Turns The Ashes Of Your Beloved Pet Into Glass Art You Can Cherish Forever
In order to help keep those memories alive, a company called Davenport Memorial Glass has come up with a beautiful idea to keep close to our hearts. Something beautiful and meaningful. Take a look at these memorial glass pieces below.

Some of us have loved ones which we lost at some time of our life. We can make beautiful artworks of the things which they like the most.
I have read this idea in "".
For more such ideas you can read let's discover some unique canvas ideas. Here I have assembled a unique collection of items from all around your home which being neglected when we think about home decor.

For more such ideas you can read let's discover some unique canvas ideas. Here I have assembled a unique collection of items from all around your home which being neglected when we think about home decor.

How many styles of art exist in the map:
In order to understand how to mix art styles, we must have to look at different types of art in different eras of earth.
Part of the joy of painting in the 21st century is the range of artistic styles available. At the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, artists took great strides in painting styles. Many changes were influenced by technological advances, such as the invention of the metal paint tube and photography, as well as changes in social conventions, politics, and philosophy, along with world events.
Below is the infographic of 6 major art styles which depict the era, the style and a brief meaning of that particular art style.
The walls of your sweet home are an excellent way to show all the incredible works you have collected over the years. But one thing seems to stumble people; how to mix the art well in the walls. There may be so many colors, patterns and text to combine, which often becomes a bit overwhelming.
I am PictureTeacher and I will help you understand how mixing art on the gallery walls follows a small formula. Fortunately, at the end of this publication, you can place all your artworks next to each other and point out with confidence which pieces do not work
So let's mix the art on the walls!
How to mix art styles?
an excellent way to group an art collection is mixing the medium. This helps to achieve a great visual interest and makes your art have a collective or familiar aspect. For example, if you have a couple of charcoal sketches, add some variation in the grouping with a brightly colored oil or a modern watercolor.
You want a room to be of visual interest, but not overwhelming to look at. Pieces with many intricate details, such as architectural and botanical prints, are best seen in groups. Your eye takes that as a large piece, not 4 to 6 individual art elements. This helps mitigate the hustle and bustle of the topic and create a more simplified but mix art style. I would also recommend mixing a large-scale photograph or an abstract landscape in the cluster.
When you mix art by style, art pieces don't necessarily have to be in the same genre. All pieces must incorporate bold and thick brushstrokes and complementary color palettes. This technique is a bit difficult to describe, but you will know that you have pieces in the same style when you simply "feel" that they go together.
While talking about how to mix art styles plan of your home, you don't need to be afraid of. If you have a modern black and white piece, mix it with a brightly colored photograph or floral map, or with a delicate engraving.
Art is just another layer in your home, so if the piece feels like you, it should also feel like your space and fit well with other design elements in your home. When it comes to style, it is best to go with your instinct.
There are all kinds of different styles that you can mix and match: graphics, dreamers, modern, Victorian, grumpy, masculine, etc.
It is likely that there exist different artists in the map, that address different themes, that mainly use different colors, but there is a cohesion of style that unites them all.
Making an art family by genre is often an easy way to do it, especially if you are an artist who mixes creativities. You can try placing photographs next to photographs, charcoal drawings next to charcoal drawings or watercolor paints next to watercolor paints.
You definitely don't have to stay in the same families or color styles, but doing so could make you feel a little more comfortable with your art esthetics.
A super exciting way to understand how to mix art styles is to choose pieces based on patterns. These patterns (circular, triangular or liner ) can be drawn by hand or even created digitally. For an unconventional touch, you can even frame different fabrics side by side.
The patterns also work well together in larger groups or in gallery walls.
Including an element or elements with dimension really helps to add interest to your collection. You can display these elements with or without a frame, and these types of pieces are usually the best conversation initiators. If you have a pendant, a jewel, a beautiful scarf or an intricate tapestry, don't be afraid to include them in your collection.
For the record, I think botanical art is its own official genre now, so there! The theme is another option of blending art without failures, to store in your toolbox. You can also really be super creative with this one: if your girl loves butterflies, you could make a wall of the butterfly gallery in her room and go crazy with butterfly photography, butterfly paintings, butterfly drawings, butterfly wings, etc. This is important both in the selection and in the grouping of art. Select things that speak to you and the relevant people in your life.
Color is another almost impossible strategy to finish when we talk about how to mix art styles. You can choose your pieces based on the same color families or the exact same color. The use of the same color (that is, all black) can really create a dramatic wall.
This is a great strategy to use if you are committed to combining a wide variety of pieces and do not want to stick to the same genre, style or theme. Sometimes it's fun to choose colors that contrast with other colors in a particular room, and sometimes it's great to use the same color at all times.
You can use two different styles of paint with the same color. For example Mix oil paint with watercolor paint of the same color.
When mixing your art, consider the primary colors of each piece. Combining a classic oil painting with a beautiful watercolor will work, but try to choose different color palettes since both pieces are paintings that will probably have a lot of movement. However, when you have art pieces of many different styles or periods of time, it helps create some continuity by choosing palettes of similar colors. It helps create cohesion and unify all the different styles together.
Moods, colors, and patterns all are inclusive additional guides to how to mix art style, but the frames in which you put art can make or break the gallery wall. When it comes to mixing art on the walls of the gallery, I recommend frames of a similar period of time (contemporary frames all together or more old frames together). Very rarely do I see new frames mixed with old wooden frames. It just doesn't feel cohesive.
Also look to mix art that occupies the entire picture, some with borders and other pictures as well. The variety is refreshing.
Another little big trick is that you can use frames to choose the colors in your family of art mix colors. As if one in three images had a whiter color while two others are totally different colors, then the white frame for the different paintings can make a unique arrangement of wall art and a happy family of paintings of the same color as well.
How to mix art styles concept can not be completed without having a look at the centerpiece theme. It works because of the mood, in the first place, but also because there is a work of art in this group that unites the two different styles of art on this wall. A watercolor floral painting can make a good bond with a watercolor pattern paint on the left and digital floral paint on the right.
Therefore, you can mix different styles of art on a wall, but it is useful to have a cohesiveness with a centerpiece or have a work of art that links the different styles.
Each wall of the gallery must tell a story or evoke a mood. That is the starting point to hit the wall. Think about the environment: is it playful, stimulating, cranky, calm, serene or graphic?
It may sound unpleasant, but maintaining the mood is really the best place to start because it helps you develop the right color palette and put the right pieces of art together.
When it comes to mixing art on walls, you can combine different colors and styles. The other thing you can do is to group art that is of a different mood. It is a little trick to do, and I would not recommend placing more than two moods together on a small wall, or it will become fortuitous.
How to mix art styles? The room composition
Mood of furniture:
A strong focal point is combined with modern and neutral furniture without many ornate details. The white walls are a canvas that allows you to combine many different colors and styles.
Color of furniture:
There are many different shapes and styles of furniture in play (as well as wood and metal finishes) that can work best in compromise with bold colors and subtle paint patterns.
Comfort of furniture:
If you set a delicate and simple color palette, you can have a room with furniture that focuses on contemporary comfort but also blends into a rustic table detail with vivid edges and a surprisingly modern acrylic paint.
Style of furniture:
Sometimes, imitating colors and design elements can be the ticket to combine with styles of furniture that are quite different. In the living room, a piece of contemporary art near an industrial-style metal side table, but the colorful mixture of nuances in the cushions is imitated by the colorful petals of the wildflowers next to it.
Feel of your room:
Committing to a certain feeling or atmosphere in a space can give you a lot of freedom when choosing artworks in a wide range of styles.
Natural materials have the power to combine styles.
Never underestimate the power of the elements that feel earthy and natural. A catchy combination of modern art and a rustic, heavy wood dining table complement each other with their unsophisticated materials.
Color of the wall:
As I said before, White walls are the canvases for the gallery. Whites not only make things look annoying, but they relate to the eyes and the perfect space to shed colors.
How to mix art styles in combination with size
When it comes to art sizes, you should have a variety of large and small pieces together on the wall, but try not to have all the large ones at one end and the smallest on the other.
Simple calculations are the most foolproof way to determine the size of the artwork you’ll need. The following steps will give you a range of measurements for wall art that covers between 4:7 and 3:4 of your wall.
Measure the length and width of your available wall space. Available wall space refers to the blank area you want to fill, not covered by furniture, molding, and so on.
Another thing to consider when selecting artwork is how high it will hang, whether on a blank wall or above a piece of furniture. Usually, the center of a piece should hang at eye level, 57 to 60 inches from the floor, but this can vary given the decoration of your room.
If you plan to hang artwork on a sofa, dresser or headboard, the bottom of the piece should hang 6 to 12 inches from the top of the furniture. As for the width, select a piece that is 2:3 to 3/4 of the width of the furniture.
If you are hanging over a fireplace, 3 to 6 inches on the mantle will suffice. Select a work of art with a width greater than the chimney opening, but smaller than the mantle.
If you are shopping on a whim, remember that it is better to err on the side of too big than too small. Large pieces, including large wall art, fill a visual field and create a focal point, while small pieces appear to be a late occurrence.
If you don't have a large piece, consider hanging several pieces together. Framed photographs, small canvases or wall art sets have the same effect when displayed as a grid or a gallery wall.
If, still, you are uncertain use post-it notes to mark the corners of where you want your artwork. You can also fix a piece of butcher paper the size of your artwork. Both methods will give you a better idea of the scale and help you visualize the piece before making a purchase or drilling on the wall.
For more photo display ideas check: Photo gallery and art display ideas
Is there a rule to mix artistic styles in a room?
There is no rule other than your mood that explains what should be and what should not be added to the art wall of your gallery.
Follow one at one time:
Its all about mixing different styles of art(how to mix art styles), not mixing all styles together. Follow one theme means make art group based on either genre or texture or mood at one time. In more simple words, you can not mix color, style, genre or pattern at the same time. Make a combination of any two styles and left the rest for any other occasion.
Genre, color, mood, theme, textures, patterns and etc are all styles. Mix any two styles or any three(if you can manage) and left the other styles for any other party.
Have a space for more:
Always try to keep some space to get another new work of art from your favorite artist. This can be done by mixing artistic styles with textures. Attach without a frame your favorite scarf (in collaboration with other paint patterns) inside the gallery. This would be the best space to bring new art to your home.
I hope this post has given you some thought when it comes to mixing art on the walls. If you any problem regarding mix art styles. Tell me via the comments below. I am PictureTeacher and I'll definitely help you make your home an arty home.
Best of your Arts.....