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How to remove tea stains from clothes - The artistic approach

How to remove stains from any where as artistic mind

In the denim industry, instead of neat style, neat stains are more acceptable. This is the key thought of this article. Whenever we come through a stain, the first thought comes in our mind is just how to remove this. We should think differently. How to remove tea stains from clothes. It is the most common question from the side of tea lovers but is it necessary to remove all stains? This is artistic approach so let’s use these stains and make this stained fabric an elegant show piece rather than keeping it aside for charity or some other purposes.

There are many methods to remove tea stains. Some of these are explained by "The spruce family" as How to quickly remove tea stains.

Also by "the parsil" which shares the information about all cleaning ideas in the housekeeping. you can read this article too How to remove tea stains from clothes.

Now-a-days, each of our activity should be environmental friendly and we should adopt some habits to recycle the old things. So, why only the things? We can recycle the stains too. Among these, tea stains are most common. Whenever there is a tea stain over my cloth, i used to apply many of the methods to remove them but these methods along with removing the stain from my cloth,  ruin the texture of my fabric. To avoid this, here i have shared a unique way of how to use tea stains.

Let's use tea stains in artistic approach....

Material :

  • Black fabric paint
  • Butter paper/parchment paper
  • Carbon paper
  • Tea
  • Cotton buds
  • White flour

The main idea: 

Make the stains neat and create the same as many times as it become part of fabric design. The basic idea of this art is that we have to make many neat and outlined stains of tea over that fabric so that this cloth look like a printed fabric having a particular shape of drawing in it.


This is an example of tea stain on my dinning table cloth and i'll not remove this with any detergent as this is a very fine fabric which may tore in the second washing. So, i'll use this stain to make my dinning fabric looks fine and printed.

  1. First of all make a fine outline of the tea stain with black(any picky color of your choice) fabric paint or the acrylic paint. If the stain is blurred from the sides then you can make thick outline with black paint.

2. Now it is a fun part. You have to make sketch of this outline(made around the tea stain) or use a butter paper/parchment paper. This is paper has a wide use in the backing processes and it is very easy to use. Get the sketch of that outlined stain over this paper. If your sketching is good then you can skip this part.

3. Now measure the total length of the fabric and draw dots at different places using inches tape keeping equal height and width so that you have an idea that how far you have to print that stain. In this way your fabric looks like a printed fabric having a scrupulous shape of design in it. By using butter paper and the carbon paper you have to draw the sketch of that stain(as got in the above step) over the measured dots. 

4. Now you'll have stuff like this where you've got a multiple rough sketches of that single tea stain. Here you've option to make these sketches more or less depending upon your choice and need of the fabric design. I've white cloth so I've made these sketches 5 inches apart from each side.

5. Fill in each outline with tea or coffee by using cotton buds so that all of the prints look alike including the tea stain. In order to learn how to make tea color, you can read how-to-make-paints-at-homeyou can add white flour to make it thicker so that it may not spread beyond the boundaries of sketch.

6. Now, make an outline with black fabric paint or acrylic paint around all the tea stains as...

And that's it. You have a fabric which have no stains as all the stains are alike and are very neat looking like a printed fabric having a particulate shape of design.

Summary and Conclusion:

Don't try to remove the hard stains(tea stains) as they ruin the texture of the fabric. The neat stains are always acceptable so make these stains neat and many that it go across the feeling of stain and become a printed drawing in that fabric. 

Convert the stains into design.

Today's question?

Have you ever use stain in artistic way, ever before?

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